Modules without management for private use

           Modules resistant to special effects without control are represented by assemblies of MOSFET and IGBT transistors, fast-healing diodes and Schottky diodes. The modules are designed to work in transistor and diode converters with peak voltage up to 1200 V and load current up to 240 A with external control circuits. The modules use components appropriate for electronic warfare.

            These modules are not components of intersectoral application (CIMP) according to GOST RV 51540-2005 and are not included in the "List of electronic component base approved for use in the development, modernization, production and operation of weapons, military and special equipment" (List of ECB 02-2016). These products were developed for use in specific samples of military equipment with specific requirements for the purpose and application under the conditions of the WWF, their delivery is possible after approval of the technical specifications by the ordering enterprise and the military representative office at it. (GOST 2.114-2016, paragraphs 6.2, 6.7 of the section Procedure for approval and approval of technical specifications).


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