Modules based on IGBT-transistors
The modules are constructively analogous to power modules of Microsemi, Semikron and Infineon production. The modules are represented with various construction versions analogous to «Semitrans 2», «Semitrans 4», «sp4», «sp6» housings. The modules can be operated in converters with peak voltage up to 1700V and load current up to 300A.
The IGBT module is designed for switching high-power loads and use as part of high-power converters with high switching frequency.
The switching frequency is up to 100 kHz.
0.00 р.
The IGBT module is designed for switching high-power loads and use as part of high-power converters with high switching frequency.
The switching frequency is up to 100 kHz.
0.00 р.
The IGBT module is designed for switching high-power loads and use as part of high-power converters with high switching frequency.
The switching frequency is up to 100 kHz.
0.00 р.
The IGBT module is designed for switching high-power loads and use as part of high-power converters with high switching frequency.
The switching frequency is up to 100 kHz.
0.00 р.
The IGBT module is designed for switching high-power loads and use as part of high-power converters with high switching frequency.
The switching frequency is up to 100 kHz.
0.00 р.
The IGBT module is designed for switching high-power loads and use as part of high-power converters with high switching frequency.
The switching frequency is up to 100 kHz.
0.00 р.
The IGBT module is designed for switching high-power loads and use as part of high-power converters with high switching frequency.
The switching frequency is up to 100 kHz.
0.00 р.
The IGBT module is designed for switching high-power loads and use as part of high-power converters with high switching frequency.
The switching frequency is up to 100 kHz.
0.00 р.
The IGBT module is designed for switching high-power loads and use as part of high-power converters with high switching frequency.
The switching frequency is up to 100 kHz.
0.00 р.
The IGBT module is designed for switching high-power loads and use as part of high-power converters with high switching frequency.
The switching frequency is up to 100 kHz.
0.00 р.
The IGBT module is designed for switching high-power loads and use as part of high-power converters with high switching frequency.
The switching frequency is up to 100 kHz.
0.00 р.
The IGBT module is designed for switching high-power loads and use as part of high-power converters with high switching frequency.
The switching frequency is up to 100 kHz.
0.00 р.
The IGBT module is designed for switching high-power loads and use as part of high-power converters with high switching frequency.
The switching frequency is up to 100 kHz.
0.00 р.
The IGBT module is designed for switching high-power loads and use as part of high-power converters with high switching frequency.
The switching frequency is up to 100 kHz.
0.00 р.
The IGBT module is designed for switching high-power loads and use as part of high-power converters with high switching frequency.
The switching frequency is up to 100 kHz.
0.00 р.
The IGBT module is designed for switching high-power loads and use as part of high-power converters with high switching frequency.
The switching frequency is up to 100 kHz.
0.00 р.
The IGBT module is designed for switching high-power loads and use as part of high-power converters with high switching frequency.
The switching frequency is up to 100 kHz.
0.00 р.
The IGBT module is designed for switching high-power loads and use as part of high-power converters with high switching frequency.
The switching frequency is up to 100 kHz.
0.00 р.
The IGBT module is designed for switching high-power loads and use as part of high-power converters with high switching frequency.
The switching frequency is up to 100 kHz.
0.00 р.
The IGBT module is designed for switching high-power loads and use as part of high-power converters with high switching frequency.
The switching frequency is up to 100 kHz.
0.00 р.
The IGBT module is designed for switching high-power loads and use as part of high-power converters with high switching frequency.
The switching frequency is up to 100 kHz.
0.00 р.
The IGBT module is designed for switching high-power loads and use as part of high-power converters with high switching frequency.
The switching frequency is up to 100 kHz.
0.00 р.
The IGBT module is designed for switching high-power loads and use as part of high-power converters with high switching frequency.
The switching frequency is up to 100 kHz.
0.00 р.
The IGBT module is designed for switching high-power loads and use as part of high-power converters with high switching frequency.
The switching frequency is up to 100 kHz.
0.00 р.
The IGBT module is designed for switching high-power loads and use as part of high-power converters with high switching frequency.
The switching frequency is up to 100 kHz.
0.00 р.
The IGBT module is designed for switching high-power loads and use as part of high-power converters with high switching frequency.
The switching frequency is up to 100 kHz.
0.00 р.
The IGBT module is designed for switching high-power loads and use as part of high-power converters with high switching frequency.
The switching frequency is up to 100 kHz.
0.00 р.
The IGBT module is designed for switching high-power loads and use as part of high-power converters with high switching frequency.
The switching frequency is up to 100 kHz.
0.00 р.
The IGBT module is designed for switching high-power loads and use as part of high-power converters with high switching frequency.
The switching frequency is up to 100 kHz.
0.00 р.
The IGBT module is designed for switching high-power loads and use as part of high-power converters with high switching frequency.
The switching frequency is up to 100 kHz.
0.00 р.
The IGBT module is designed for switching high-power loads and use as part of high-power converters with high switching frequency.
The switching frequency is up to 100 kHz.
0.00 р.
The IGBT module is designed for switching high-power loads and use as part of high-power converters with high switching frequency.
The switching frequency is up to 100 kHz.
0.00 р.
The IGBT module is designed for switching high-power loads and use as part of high-power converters with high switching frequency.
The switching frequency is up to 100 kHz.
0.00 р.
The IGBT module is designed for switching high-power loads and use as part of high-power converters with high switching frequency.
The switching frequency is up to 100 kHz.
0.00 р.
The IGBT module is designed for switching high-power loads and use as part of high-power converters with high switching frequency.
The switching frequency is up to 100 kHz.
0.00 р.
The IGBT module is designed for switching high-power loads and use as part of high-power converters with high switching frequency.
The switching frequency is up to 100 kHz.
0.00 р.
The IGBT module is designed for switching high-power loads and use as part of high-power converters with high switching frequency.
The switching frequency is up to 100 kHz.
0.00 р.
The IGBT module is designed for switching high-power loads and use as part of high-power converters with high switching frequency.
The switching frequency is up to 100 kHz.
0.00 р.
The IGBT module is designed for switching high-power loads and use as part of high-power converters with high switching frequency.
The switching frequency is up to 100 kHz.
0.00 р.
The IGBT module is designed for switching high-power loads and use as part of high-power converters with high switching frequency.
The switching frequency is up to 100 kHz.
0.00 р.
The IGBT module is designed for switching high-power loads and use as part of high-power converters with high switching frequency.
The switching frequency is up to 100 kHz.
0.00 р.
The IGBT module is designed for switching high-power loads and use as part of high-power converters with high switching frequency.
The switching frequency is up to 100 kHz.
0.00 р.
The IGBT module is designed for switching high-power loads and use as part of high-power converters with high switching frequency.
The switching frequency is up to 100 kHz.
0.00 р.
The IGBT module is designed for switching high-power loads and use as part of high-power converters with high switching frequency.
The switching frequency is up to 100 kHz.
0.00 р.
The IGBT module is designed for switching high-power loads and use as part of high-power converters with high switching frequency.
The switching frequency is up to 100 kHz.
0.00 р.
The IGBT module is designed for switching high-power loads and use as part of high-power converters with high switching frequency.
The switching frequency is up to 100 kHz.
0.00 р.
The IGBT module is designed for switching high-power loads and use as part of high-power converters with high switching frequency.
The switching frequency is up to 100 kHz.
0.00 р.
The IGBT module is designed for switching high-power loads and use as part of high-power converters with high switching frequency.
The switching frequency is up to 100 kHz.
0.00 р.
The IGBT module is designed for switching high-power loads and use as part of high-power converters with high switching frequency.
The switching frequency is up to 100 kHz.
0.00 р.
The IGBT module is designed for switching high-power loads and use as part of high-power converters with high switching frequency.
The switching frequency is up to 100 kHz.
0.00 р.
The IGBT module is designed for switching high-power loads and use as part of high-power converters with high switching frequency.
The switching frequency is up to 100 kHz.
0.00 р.
The IGBT module is designed for switching high-power loads and use as part of high-power converters with high switching frequency.
The switching frequency is up to 100 kHz.
0.00 р.
The IGBT module is designed for switching high-power loads and use as part of high-power converters with high switching frequency.
The switching frequency is up to 100 kHz.
0.00 р.
The IGBT module is designed for switching high-power loads and use as part of high-power converters with high switching frequency.
The switching frequency is up to 100 kHz.
0.00 р.
The IGBT module is designed for switching high-power loads and use as part of high-power converters with high switching frequency.
The switching frequency is up to 100 kHz.
0.00 р.
The IGBT module is designed for switching high-power loads and use as part of high-power converters with high switching frequency.
The switching frequency is up to 100 kHz.
0.00 р.
The IGBT module is designed for switching high-power loads and use as part of high-power converters with high switching frequency.
The switching frequency is up to 100 kHz.
0.00 р.
The IGBT module is designed for switching high-power loads and use as part of high-power converters with high switching frequency.
The switching frequency is up to 100 kHz.
0.00 р.
The IGBT module is designed for switching high-power loads and use as part of high-power converters with high switching frequency.
The switching frequency is up to 100 kHz.
0.00 р.
The IGBT module is designed for switching high-power loads and use as part of high-power converters with high switching frequency.
The switching frequency is up to 100 kHz.
0.00 р.
The IGBT module is designed for switching high-power loads and use as part of high-power converters with high switching frequency.
The switching frequency is up to 100 kHz.
0.00 р.
The IGBT module is designed for switching high-power loads and use as part of high-power converters with high switching frequency.
The switching frequency is up to 100 kHz.
0.00 р.
The IGBT module is designed for switching high-power loads and use as part of high-power converters with high switching frequency.
The switching frequency is up to 100 kHz.
0.00 р.
The IGBT module is designed for switching high-power loads and use as part of high-power converters with high switching frequency.
The switching frequency is up to 100 kHz.
0.00 р.
The IGBT module is designed for switching high-power loads and use as part of high-power converters with high switching frequency.
The switching frequency is up to 100 kHz.
0.00 р.
The IGBT module is designed for switching high-power loads and use as part of high-power converters with high switching frequency.
The switching frequency is up to 100 kHz.
0.00 р.
The IGBT module is designed for switching high-power loads and use as part of high-power converters with high switching frequency.
The switching frequency is up to 100 kHz.
0.00 р.
The IGBT module is designed for switching high-power loads and use as part of high-power converters with high switching frequency.
The switching frequency is up to 100 kHz.
0.00 р.
The IGBT module is designed for switching high-power loads and use as part of high-power converters with high switching frequency.
The switching frequency is up to 100 kHz.
0.00 р.
The IGBT module is designed for switching high-power loads and use as part of high-power converters with high switching frequency.
The switching frequency is up to 100 kHz.
0.00 р.
The IGBT module is designed for switching high-power loads and use as part of high-power converters with high switching frequency.
The switching frequency is up to 100 kHz.
0.00 р.
The IGBT module is designed for switching high-power loads and use as part of high-power converters with high switching frequency.
The switching frequency is up to 100 kHz.
0.00 р.
The IGBT module is designed for switching high-power loads and use as part of high-power converters with high switching frequency.
The switching frequency is up to 100 kHz.
0.00 р.
The IGBT module is designed for switching high-power loads and use as part of high-power converters with high switching frequency.
The switching frequency is up to 100 kHz.
0.00 р.
The IGBT module is designed for switching high-power loads and use as part of high-power converters with high switching frequency.
The switching frequency is up to 100 kHz.
0.00 р.
The IGBT module is designed for switching high-power loads and use as part of high-power converters with high switching frequency.
The switching frequency is up to 100 kHz.
0.00 р.
The IGBT module is designed for switching high-power loads and use as part of high-power converters with high switching frequency.
The switching frequency is up to 100 kHz.
0.00 р.
The IGBT module is designed for switching high-power loads and use as part of high-power converters with high switching frequency.
The switching frequency is up to 100 kHz.
0.00 р.
The IGBT module is designed for switching high-power loads and use as part of high-power converters with high switching frequency.
The switching frequency is up to 100 kHz.
0.00 р.
The IGBT module is designed for switching high-power loads and use as part of high-power converters with high switching frequency.
The switching frequency is up to 100 kHz.
0.00 р.
The IGBT module is designed for switching high-power loads and use as part of high-power converters with high switching frequency.
The switching frequency is up to 100 kHz.
0.00 р.
The IGBT module is designed for switching high-power loads and use as part of high-power converters with high switching frequency.
The switching frequency is up to 100 kHz.
0.00 р.
The IGBT module is designed for switching high-power loads and use as part of high-power converters with high switching frequency.
The switching frequency is up to 100 kHz.
0.00 р.
The IGBT module is designed for switching high-power loads and use as part of high-power converters with high switching frequency.
The switching frequency is up to 100 kHz.
0.00 р.
The IGBT module is designed for switching high-power loads and use as part of high-power converters with high switching frequency.
The switching frequency is up to 100 kHz.
0.00 р.
The IGBT module is designed for switching high-power loads and use as part of high-power converters with high switching frequency.
The switching frequency is up to 100 kHz.
0.00 р.
The IGBT module is designed for switching high-power loads and use as part of high-power converters with high switching frequency.
The switching frequency is up to 100 kHz.
0.00 р.
The IGBT module is designed for switching high-power loads and use as part of high-power converters with high switching frequency.
The switching frequency is up to 100 kHz.
0.00 р.
The IGBT module is designed for switching high-power loads and use as part of high-power converters with high switching frequency.
The switching frequency is up to 100 kHz.
0.00 р.
The IGBT module is designed for switching high-power loads and use as part of high-power converters with high switching frequency.
The switching frequency is up to 100 kHz.
0.00 р.
The IGBT module is designed for switching high-power loads and use as part of high-power converters with high switching frequency.
The switching frequency is up to 100 kHz.
0.00 р.
The IGBT module is designed for switching high-power loads and use as part of high-power converters with high switching frequency.
The switching frequency is up to 100 kHz.
0.00 р.
The IGBT module is designed for switching high-power loads and use as part of high-power converters with high switching frequency.
The switching frequency is up to 100 kHz.
0.00 р.
The IGBT module is designed for switching high-power loads and use as part of high-power converters with high switching frequency.
The switching frequency is up to 100 kHz.
0.00 р.
The IGBT module is designed for switching high-power loads and use as part of high-power converters with high switching frequency.
The switching frequency is up to 100 kHz.
0.00 р.
The IGBT module is designed for switching high-power loads and use as part of high-power converters with high switching frequency.
The switching frequency is up to 100 kHz.
0.00 р.
The IGBT module is designed for switching high-power loads and use as part of high-power converters with high switching frequency.
The switching frequency is up to 100 kHz.
0.00 р.
The IGBT module is designed for switching high-power loads and use as part of high-power converters with high switching frequency.
The switching frequency is up to 100 kHz.
0.00 р.
The IGBT module is designed for switching high-power loads and use as part of high-power converters with high switching frequency.
The switching frequency is up to 100 kHz.
0.00 р.
The IGBT module is designed for switching high-power loads and use as part of high-power converters with high switching frequency.
The switching frequency is up to 100 kHz.
0.00 р.
The IGBT module is designed for switching high-power loads and use as part of high-power converters with high switching frequency.
The switching frequency is up to 100 kHz.
0.00 р.
The IGBT module is designed for switching high-power loads and use as part of high-power converters with high switching frequency.
The switching frequency is up to 100 kHz.
0.00 р.
The IGBT module is designed for switching high-power loads and use as part of high-power converters with high switching frequency.
The switching frequency is up to 100 kHz.
0.00 р.
The IGBT module is designed for switching high-power loads and use as part of high-power converters with high switching frequency.
The switching frequency is up to 100 kHz.
0.00 р.
The IGBT module is designed for switching high-power loads and use as part of high-power converters with high switching frequency.
The switching frequency is up to 100 kHz.
0.00 р.
The IGBT module is designed for switching high-power loads and use as part of high-power converters with high switching frequency.
The switching frequency is up to 100 kHz.
0.00 р.
The IGBT module is designed for switching high-power loads and use as part of high-power converters with high switching frequency.
The switching frequency is up to 100 kHz.
0.00 р.
The IGBT module is designed for switching high-power loads and use as part of high-power converters with high switching frequency.
The switching frequency is up to 100 kHz.
0.00 р.
The IGBT module is designed for switching high-power loads and use as part of high-power converters with high switching frequency.
The switching frequency is up to 100 kHz.
0.00 р.
The IGBT module is designed for switching high-power loads and use as part of high-power converters with high switching frequency.
The switching frequency is up to 100 kHz.
0.00 р.
The IGBT module is designed for switching high-power loads and use as part of high-power converters with high switching frequency.
The switching frequency is up to 100 kHz.
0.00 р.
The IGBT module is designed for switching high-power loads and use as part of high-power converters with high switching frequency.
The switching frequency is up to 100 kHz.
0.00 р.
Showing 1 to 112 of 112 (1 Pages)
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