Product Code: 5УМ14А-1


Body (type): Frame
Purpose: Two-phase inverter
Vs [V]: 27
Vce(ds)max [V]: 200
Ic(d)max [A]: 10



The 5UM14A-1 module is designed to control a powerful active inductive load with a switched supply voltage of no more than 108 V and an average inverter current of no more than 10 A (electric motors of various types, pulse transformers, heating elements, etc.) in accordance with external control signals as part of converters of various types.

The module supports the following functions and features:

- formation of supply and reference voltages;

- generation of current pulses in the motor windings;

- formation of "dead time" for switching transistors;

- the implementation of blocking the simultaneous activation of transistors of each half-bridge;

- current control through the motor windings;

- output of the "error" status signal when the inverter current exceeds the permissible value.

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