The high-power transistor driver (BTIZ or MOSFET) with field control 5DR2120P-A1 is designed for dependent galvanically isolated control of two high-power transistors with a maximum permissible voltage up to 1700 V. The driver is an amplifier – generator of gate control signals of transistors with a frequency of up to 100 kHz.
The driver provides the following control, monitoring and protection functions for the controlled transistor:
- control of the saturation voltage on the collectors of controlled transistors, protective shutdown when exiting the saturation state;
- adjustment of the threshold of the protective shutdown according to the saturation voltage;
- ensuring a smooth transition of the driver from the active state to the inactive state in an "emergency" situation (output of the controlled transistor from saturation mode);
- adjustment of the delay in the operation of the unsaturation protection;
- adjustment of the duration of a smooth emergency shutdown;
- blocking the control in the emergency mode;
- external or automatic reset of the crash mode;
- adjustment of the duration of the persbros in the emergency mode;
- alarm about the presence of an accident;
- formation of "dead" time for switching transistors;
- adjustment of the duration of the "dead" time;
- blocking the simultaneous switching on of transistors;
- control of supply voltages (built-in comparator) at the driver outputs;
- limiting the voltage at the gates of controlled transistors.