The 5DR1300P-B1 single-channel field-controlled transistor driver is designed to control a single MOSFET transistor as part of powerful high-frequency converters. The driver is an amplifier – generator of gate control signals of transistors with a frequency of up to 200 kHz with a built-in DC-DC converter.
The driver provides the following control, monitoring and protection functions for the controlled transistor:
-Amplification of the input signal and the formation of a control signal of a given magnitude and frequency supplied to the gate of the controlled transistor;
- Monitoring of the voltage drop on the controlled transistor, its protective shutdown when switching to active mode;
- Adjustment of the protective shutdown threshold in the range from 1 to 10 V;
- Adjustment of the duration of the prohibition of saturation voltage monitoring on an open transistor in the range from 1 to 10 microseconds;
- Ensuring a smooth transition of the driver from the active state to the inactive state in an "emergency" situation (output of the controlled transistor from saturation mode);
- Adjustment of the smooth transition duration in the range from 0.5 to 3 microseconds;
- Blocking the control in case of an "accident";
- Adjustment of the duration of the control lock in case of an "accident" in the range from 1 to 100 ms;
- Alarm about the presence of an "accident";
- Possibility of external restart control in case of an "accident";
- Gate voltage monitoring of controlled transistors (built-in comparator with transistor locking threshold at a voltage of less than 11 V);
- Galvanic isolation of the control part of the driver from the power one.