Product Code: ДТРВ-6.1-А-1-ПТ2-А-2-DIN1


Body (type): KMz104
Purpose: Three-phase Rectifier driver
Us [V]: 5
Control signal: 0...5 V
Iout imp [А]: 0,012
Uca max [V]: 6500



The driver of the three-phase thyristor rectifier DTRV-6.1-DIN is designed to generate logic pulses for controlling drivers DT1, DT2, DT6 as part of a three-phase bridge thyristor rectifier in AC circuits with a frequency of 50 Hz.

Control characteristics: 100% of the control signal corresponds to zero power.

Current protection range from 250 to 700 A.

Without external control (automatic restart when current protection is triggered).

Indication type when current protection is triggered: status optocoupler.

The synchronization voltage is from 30 to 80 V.


- Rectifiers for powering IGBT inverters with the possibility of smooth charging of capacitor banks.

- Rectifiers for charging batteries.

- Rectifiers of cathodic anti-corrosion protection devices.

- Rectifiers for DC drive power supply.

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