Product Code: ДТРВ-6-Б-3-ПТ0-В-1-DIN2


Body (type): D9MG
Purpose: Three-phase Rectifier driver
Us [V]: 5
Control signal: 4…20 mA
Iout imp [А]: 1
Uca max [V]: 1200



The driver of the three-phase adjustable rectifier DTRV-6-DIN is designed to control power thyristor modules M1, M8, M24, M26 and together with them allows you to build an adjustable six-pulse rectifier (including with regulation by the primary winding of a power transformer) for operation in three-phase alternating current circuits with a frequency of 50 Hz. The driver provides maximum current protection for thyristor modules.

Control characteristics: 100% of the control signal corresponds to the full power.

Without current protection.

With external control (without automatic restart when current protection is triggered).

Indication type when current protection is triggered: status LED.


- Rectifiers for powering IGBT inverters with the possibility of smooth charging of capacitor banks.

- Rectifiers for charging batteries. - Rectifiers of cathodic anti-corrosion protection devices.

- Rectifiers for DC drive power supply.


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