Product Code: М31-10-1-Б3


Body (type): DM
Scheme: Two-phase inverter and rectifier bridge
Isolation: No
Type of control: TTL
Vce(ds)max [V]: 100
Ic(d)max [A]: 10



Module M31 is an assembly of power transistors with control circuits and protection circuits. M31 is designed to control the powerful load, in particular electric motors of various types. M31 is made on the basis of the best domestic and foreign achievements of technologies of power electronics, microelectronics, digital-to-analog integrated circuits.

M31 supports the following features and capabilities:

- Control of any type of load in accordance with control signals;

- Protection against current overloads and short circuits;

- Protection against pulse current surge;

- Current protection pickup threshold adjustment;

- Protection against overheating;

- Protection against the simultaneous operation of transistors of the upper and lower inverter arm;

- External signaling about an accident;

- Internal supply voltage control;

- Power supply module from the power circuit (for modules of 1,2, 6 class);

- Allows external circuits are powered its own stabilized voltage +15 V with protection against current    overload;

- Connection of the AC voltage without rectification (type radiator "1" and "3");

- Smooth filter capacity charge without any charging resistor and charge control circuits (type radiator "1" and "3").

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